
Short Tender Notice (Reuploded)
Library Automation with Web OPAC System and UGC INFLIBNET Subscription Work.
Date: 21-Dec-2024

Short Tender Notice
IQAC Dynamic Portal with SEO Dynamic Pages.
Date: 19-Dec-2024

Short Tender Notice
College E-governance Android Application with LMS Software and Cloud Server.
Date: 19-Dec-2024

Short Tender Notice
Green, Energy, Environment, Academic Audit and Administrative Audit with Certificate and ISO Certificate Work.
Date: 19-Dec-2024

Short Tender Notice
Library Automation with Web OPAC System and UGC INFLIBNET Subscription Work.
Date: 19-Dec-2024

General Rules of Students

  • The new session starts in June and ends in May every year.
  • Tution fee shall be chargeable from June irrespective of the date of admission.
  • A consolidated default fine amounting to rupees twenty five (Rs.25/-) shall be charged for non-payment of tution fee on the due date of fee collection.
  • Last date of application for admission to any of the courses shall ordinarily be 3 weeks from the date of the publication of the qualifying examination's result.General extension may be done if needed.
  • All admission shall be made on the recommendation of the selection committee of the college after approval by the Principal .
  • In matters of selection ,admission and allotment of shifts or sections ,decision of the selection committee shall be final and binding.
  • Regular class teaching shall start within four weeks after the expiry of the last date of admission.
  • Every student shall have to abide by the rules and regulations of the college and of the University which may be amended from time to time by the concerned authorities.
  • Identity Card:-Every (boy & girl) must equip himself /herself with the college identity card without which he/she shall be deprived of such benefits and concessions as railway concession order ,access to office ,class rooms,library,reading room,examination hall,laboratories,Principal's chamber etc.The college shall not take the responsibility of identifying such students who do not have their identity card with them.

    Non -collegiate students will also have to get their identity card prepared on payment of Rs.20/- for the period when they attend classes or propose to appear at the examination.

  • Every admitted students will have to submit 45mm x 35mm size 4(four) copies of recent photographs for Identity Card and Library Card.
  • Change of combination will be permissible within one month and a half after admission on payment of requisite fee Rs.100/-only and permission of the two H.O.D.s of the concerned department and Principal.
  • Students should be particular about their attendance or shortage of attendance as the student will be responsible for the same.

General Rules of Girls Students

  • Girl students shall be admitted in co-educational classes,as there is no separate shift/section for them .Girl's common room is provided separately .
  • Girls students shall have to be observe the following rules.
    • Girl are directed not to come in gaudy colour clothes in the college classes.
    • Girl student if they like may use black veils or reda or naquab of simple and sober colours.
    • Girl student should make arrangement of their conveyance themselves.
  • All girls students will have to be member of Girls Association of the college and pay the membership fee as prescribed by the Association.
  • After college hours the girls students are imperatively directed to go back to their residences.
  • No girl student will be allowed to meet any unauthorised person relation /visitors/who may happen to call on her during college hours.

General Rules of the Office

  • Separate office Counters are marked for different types of work,students should go to the correct counter and instead of coming in a disorderly manner,students should follow queue.
  • Also in the office rooms perfect discipline and silence be maintained.
  • Application for specific purpose should be made in the forms prescribed along with fee (if any )payable for it.The requests shall be compiled as per rules and time schedule made of such work.All payments of tution fee ,Registration fee,examination fee etc shall be made through Bank Draft of the exact amount required to be paid.Bank Draft may be had from Allahabad Bank Extn.Counter at college premises.
  • No admission be taken without the orders of the authorities,(Adm,Committee, HODs, Principal,& NO ADMISSION BE MADE ON PART PAYMENT BASIS.
  • All queries shall be replied to on the enquiry counter as far as possible.
  • Payment of scholarship etc.shall be made through cheque by the office.Such payments shall be made after being received from the proper source.Identification of the payee will be essential.
  • Calculation shall be made the percentage of the daily attendance by the departmental assistant and countersigned by the H.O.D.s Every student should compulsory attend at least 75% of lectures delivered in the class.